Each day is so different for me and I never know what mood I'll wake up in. Some days I wake up with determination to have a great day and think of ways to cope if i have a single bad thought. Other days I will wake up feeling deflated, no energy and no motivation to do anything. I've learned that its okay to have these days but it's not okay to have so many 'down' days. I have had weeks where I wouldn't leave the house because my mood was so low. I always get on with my day tho and make sure Zara is always happy and entertained. This is such a hard thing to do when struggling with mental health but I will never let it interfere with my daughter. During lock down I've had more down days as I'm sure most people have, being in your house more than usual, doing the same thing day in day out would put a mental strain on anyone. These are just some of the things I do daily. It means I will always take time out of the day for myself even if its for 10 minutes but it makes a huge difference to my mood if I'm not at my best.
1. Read at least one chapter of a book I'm currently reading. At the moment I'm reading Owning it By Caroline Foran. I'm four chapters in and so far loving it. I highly recommend it!
2. Do my makeup and tan. If you know me well you'll know I am obsessed with tan! I love to have my makeup and tan done because it makes me feel like myself. The past few weeks I signed up to makeup courses online & I'm learning so much. I'll talk about these in a different post!
3. Taking time out. When Zara goes down for a nap I always just take a few minutes to sit down with a cup of tea. It's the little things!
4. Go for a walk. The fresh air is great for clearing the mind! I always feel motivated to get more done when I get a little exercise in.
5. Listen to a podcast. My absolute favourites are The Good Glow & Oprahs Super Soul Conversations (listen to the one with JLO if you haven't before, it's so inspiring!)
It's so important to take time out for yourself, especially when you have kids. I find having a set routine helps immensly. Zara is nearly one now and she has cut down to just one nap a day which means every other hour she's crawling everywhere and pulling at everything! I've set her bedtime a bit early between 7-7.30pm so I still have a bit of time for myself in the evening. Its really about trying to get that good balance in the day. If I'm not organised from the time I get up, I get nothing done!
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